Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Dwight Schrute's attempt to describe himself in three words:
Hard-working, alpha male, jackhammer . . . merciless . . . insatiable . . .

It just so happens that a few of those words also fit the description of yours truly.

Insatiable - I'm constantly trying to learrn something new. I can't sit still for more than about a minute and a half without thinking of a thousand other things I could or should be doing. This insatiable curiosity, if you will, has led me into countless hobbies, adventures, crazy skills, and fact-seeking endeavors.

One way I picked up awhile back to feed scraps to my neverending hunger for knowledge is "Word-a-day" from some guy named Wordsmith. Each day, Mr. Smith sends out an email with a new vocabulary word, the definition, origin, and all that literary jazz to his faithful listserv subscribers, including a certain JMS. Although I learn a few of these new vocabulations each week, I never really see myself using any of these words in daily locution. Let me check my email for an example right now . . .

Ok, here is today's word:
hirsutulous (hur-SOO-chuh-luhs) adjective: Minutely hirsute. Come now, doesn't this Wordsmith guy know the definition of circular reasoning? Good thing I already know what hirsute means: covered with hair. So, I guess hirsutulous refers to some one who is covered with hair, minutely, if that is even possible. I highly suspect that it's not, which is why I don't put much stock in learning these words. I just end up using my own words to describe things anyway. This gave me an idea.

If thousands of people will subscribe to a mass mailing list to make words like hirsutulous part of their everyday vernacular, then why shouldn't I create my own daily vocabulary lessons? I'll tell you why; no one will read it. Then why am I going to proceed with this idea anyway? Because, someone might read it.

Let's get to it then - the first of possibly several glimpses into the unique, inexplicable, and usually nonsensical phraseology of JMS.

Today's word: mellishment
noun: a state of being profoundly sensational or excellent
usage: Sweet mellishment!
translation: I'm feeling indescribably happy and felt the need to express this sentiment verbally.
origin: an exclamation employed by JMS after sinking yet another shot to extend an unbeaten streak in backyard basketball

Over the years, mellishment has spawned several devivatives such as remellished and mellicious.

Enjoy this newest addition to your own personal loquacity. Use it well and spread the word.